Agile Software Development, Scrum, Extreme Programing, XP, Test Driven Development, TDD, Feature Driven Development, FDD, Lean, DSDM, Behavior Driven Development, BDD, Refactoring, Pair Programming, Kanban

Making Mad Men More Agile

The Mad Men era in advertising agencies is truly on the way out and collaborative agency models are spreading faster than the traditional top down approach. Agile principles can be used to great effect in advertising agencies and not only for digital projects but also to increase productivity and foster collaboration, creativity and innovation.
In our interactive session we will explore how we can create successful creative environments by adopting agile principles in an advertising context.

Culture is a topic that has been talked about and fought over for eons in our governments, our classrooms and our books. It’s in our language, what we eat, how we dress and how we work, a part of our lives that is the either the fall or the driving force that generates fortunes across the globe. As we move into the digital age, the realisation of change was paramount across our industry and sent a shockwave throughout the agency. This created the catalyst for the business to make a transition from waterfall to agile not only for its day to day methods but also for its principles – changing the way we interact with each other.

In an effort for all people to feel invested in this shift, we first asked ourselves, what kind environment we would like to work in? What would this new world look like? What products do we see ourselves producing? How fulfilled and satisfied are we and how happy are we? Ultimately, what do we want to buy in to when we join and work inside an organisation? This is one of the key questions we will be exploring in our interactive workshop and look to create a world with the participant’s first hand to demonstrate that different worlds can be created by all of us, using the agile principles.

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