Agile Software Development, Scrum, Extreme Programing, XP, Test Driven Development, TDD, Feature Driven Development, FDD, Lean, DSDM, Behavior Driven Development, BDD, Refactoring, Pair Programming, Kanban

Controlling Complexity in Agile and Traditional Development

Featured speaker Thomas Murphy, Gartner Research Director, and Ben Chelf, Coverity CTO review how traditional and agile development organizations are leveraging new analysis techniques to accelerate the delivery of secure, high quality applications in today’s competitive software industry and the latest advances in static analysis and how these developments are …

Using Fit: An Open-Source Testing Framework

Rick Mugridge is the lead author of the first book on storytests: “Fit for Developing Software”. He has developed and is evolving FitLibrary to better support storytest driven development. He is a leading thinker and inventor in this area, and consults and coaches internationally in storytesting, executable specifications, and agile …

Effective Test Driven Database Development

Although test-driven development is now considered common sense in the OO world, it is very rare in database development. This session looks at the reasons behind that and presents solutions and best practices for test-driven database development. Database testing is analysed from two aspects: unit-testing in the database (stored procedures,views) …

Story Driven Development: The Next Generation of Rails Functional Testing

Story Driven Development (SDD) helps close the gap between the language of developers and product owners so they can clearly define when software is “done”. Readable and executable product requirements are now possible. We’ll explore tips for integrating SDD into your existing workflow and cover technical details for implementing and …