Agile Software Development, Scrum, Extreme Programing, XP, Test Driven Development, TDD, Feature Driven Development, FDD, Lean, DSDM, Behavior Driven Development, BDD, Refactoring, Pair Programming, Kanban

Communities of Practice for Agile Organizations

Agile working and cross-functional teams have the ability to silo organizations into teams, programmes and functions. This leads to duplication or work, a reduction in sharing knowledge and worse cuts people off from their support network. At a time when organizations are scaling, structures are flattening and workforces are increasingly fluid, supporting and connecting people is more important than ever. This is where communities of practice come in.

Communities of practice have many valuable benefits for both individuals and organizations. Emily draws from her experiences of developing communities of practice at the Government Digital Service, government departments and other organizations as well as case studies from her ongoing research into this area. To show you why Communities of practice are a vital piece of your Agile organizations and what role they can play.

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